The Byzantine Agreement problem can be defined as follows: \(n\) processors are connected with a network where every processor can communicate with any other connected processor. However, a number of faulty processors that exhibit arbitrary behavior may exist in the network. There are at most \(t\) faulty processors in the network. Initially, each processor has an input value \(v_i \in V\). After the executing a protocol, every non-faulty processor then is able to decising on an output value \(v’i\). For a _Byzantine agreement protocol, there are three properties that it must satisfy:
- Termination All honest processors must eventually decide on a value and terminate.
- Agreement All honest processors decide on the same value; i.e, for any two non-faulty processors \(i\),\(j\), their outputs \(v’_i\) = \(v’_j\).
- Validity Assume the initial inputs to all honest processors are the same, then all non-faulty processors reach agreement on that value; i.e. if \(v_i=v\) for any honest processor \(i\), then \(v’_i=v\).
The Byzantine agreement problem remains to be an important research question with wide applications. For example, it is a foundamental primitive used within multi-party computation algorithms or distributed systems where a group might be exposed in the presence of a certain fraction of malicious parties. In the following two sections, we will discuss a more specific scenario Broadcast and a solution Dolev-strong protocol to the broadcast problem when an authentification scheme is established in the setup.
Impossibility of Byzantine Agreement
The FLM lower bound states that Byzantine agreeement is imporssible if the number of faulty processors $f$ is greater than the 1/3 of the total processors in the network $n$. In order to prove the lower bound, we construct a network with three parties $A$, $B$, and $C$. The goal of this proof is to show that when $B$ and $C$ blame each other for lying and are unable to prove the correctness, A cannot decide on who to trust and therefore unable to decide on a value between $B$ and $C$.
Theorem: It is impossible to solve synchronous agreement in a plain authenticated channels model if $f\geq n/3$.
Assume that Byzantine agreement can be achieved between $A$, $B$, and $C$. We can construct three worlds where in each world, an adversary simulates a world of four players and communicate with non-faulty processors.
World 1:
In world one, $C$ is the adversary and generated $A’$, $B’$, and $C’$ for communication. The correct processors($A$, $B$) initiated with the same value 1; however, $C’$, an instance of $C$, claims to $A$ that a value of 0 is received from $B’$ and then sent to $A$. Despite the effort to perturb the network, $A$ and $B$ are still able to commit to 1 according to validity property since all correct processors are initiated with the same value.
World 2:
In world two, $A$ is the adversary and simulated three instances $A’$, $B’$ and $C’$. Similar to world 1, $B$ and $C$ are able to commit to 0 because validity holds.
World 3:
World three is similar to world 1 and world 2 except that the non-faulty processors are not initiated with the same value. However, $A$ and $C$ cannot decide on the same value in this case. If we observe the network from $A$’s perspective, we can see that world 3 is identical to world 1 in which $C$ and $C’$ are switched and $A$ is not able to distinguish. Similarly, $C$’s perception of world 2 and world 3 are the same. Since $A$ commited to 1 in world 1 and $C$ commited to 0 in world 2, they holds the same commited value. Then, the agreement property does not hold in world 3.
Similar to the definition we provided above, the Broadcast problem can be defined as follows and describes the basic functionality of broadcasting: \(n\) processors are connected with a point-to-point network, in which a distinguished party acts as the \(sender\) with a value \(v_s\) at the beginning. All nodes will receive \(v_s\) and, after the execution of the protocol, will all reach agreement on the \(v_s\), or \(v’i = v_s\). Again, we assume up to \(t\) faulty processors in the system. In addition to the same termination and agreement properties, a _broadcast protocol should also satisfies the following:
- Agreement: All honest processors reach agreement on the same value, i.e. \(v’_i = v’_j\) for all honest \(i,j\).
- Validity: If the sender is honest, then all honest processors can agree on \(v_s\), i.e. for all honest players \(i\), \(v’i = v_s\)if the _sender is honest.
The lower bound is less strict for broadcast problem. We claim that Byzantine agreement is trivial if processors are able to broadcast and the number of faulty processors $f$ is less than half of the total number of processors in the netowrk $n$. The proof is very intuitive: if every processor is able to broadcast a value to all other processors in the network, correct processors only need to decide on the majority value. Therefore, there is an equivalence between broadcast and Byzantine agreement. Based on the equivalance and the impossibility of Byzantine agreement, we can conclude that:
Theorem: Broadcast(or Byzantine agreement) is possible iff $t<n/3$.
The equivalence between broadcast and agreement proves that broadcast is possible if $t<n/2$ and hence possible if $t<n/3$. Impossibility of Byzantine agreement is used to show that Broadcast is possible only if $t<n/3$. In another word, broadcast(and hence Byzantine agreement) is not achievable when the number of faulty processors $f\geq n/3$. Recall that in the three worlds containing parties $A$, $B$ and $C$, Byzantine agreement cannot be reached in world 3 since world 1 and world 3 are identical in $A$’s perspective. Through broadcast, correct processors are observing the same information as in Byzantine agreement. Hence, agreement cannot be reached in world 3 as well.
Authenticated Broadcast
In this setting, we assume the existence of some authentification technique in the initial setup that prevents faulty processors from undetectably modifying the message contents. One can assume a public-key interfrastructure has been established that every processor has a pair of public and secret keys and knows the public key of all other processors. Under this setting, any computationally-bounded adversary cannot forge signatures on arbitary messages provided with the public keys of honest processors. Having defined the authenticated broadcast scenario, we now introduce the Dolev-Strong protocol.
Without loss of generality, we assume that processor 1 is the sender. We then introduce some notations used in the protocol:
- Authenticated message \(m\): a message received by processor i in round k is called (v, k)-authentific for i if it has the form \((v_s, p_1, s_1, …, p_k, s_k)\), where \(p_1\) = 1 as the sender and all \(p_k\) are different and don’t include processor i. In addition, for ever \(1 < i \leq k\), the signature \(s_i\) is valid when it signs \((v_s, p_1, s_1, …, p_{i-1}, s_{i-1})\). Effectively, a (v, k)-authentific message is a signature chain of size k that contains the path that the message has travelled.
- Decision function \(F\): is a function that takes the received messages of the processor \(i\) and outputs the decided values \(v’i\) with a symbol 0 representing “_sender fault”.
The protocol proceeds as follows: Round 1: ```{r, tidy=FALSE, eval=FALSE, highlight=FALSE} // Sender (processor 1) with input value v_s Broadcast (v_s, 1, s_1) to all replicas, s_1 = sign(v_s, 1)
__Round 2 - t__:
```{r, tidy=FALSE, eval=FALSE, highlight=FALSE}
// Processor i
Round k:
if processor i has sent less than 2 messages:
if i receives a (v, k-1)-authentic message in the k-1 round and v in V:
m is (v, p_1, s_1, ..., p_{k-1}, s_{k-1})
s_k = sign(m, i)
create new message (v, p_1, s_1, ..., p_{k-1}, s_{k-1}, i, s_k)
broadcast it all processors not included in the message
Round t+1 Decision Rule:
{r, tidy=FALSE, eval=FALSE, highlight=FALSE}
// Processor i
if processor i has received authenticated messages of different values:
it outputs "sender fault": v'_i = 0
it has never received any authenticated message:
it outputs "sender fault": v'_i = 0
if processor i has only received authenticated message of one value v
it output the value: v'_i = v
When the processor outputs “sender fault”, it indicates that the sender must be dishonest: either it failed to send an authentic message or send multiple of different values in the first round.
For correctness, if the sender is honest with initial value \(v_s\), then every processor would receive a \((v_s, 1)\)-authentic message and would never receive a \((v, k)\) for which \(v \neq v_s\). As in order for a forged \((v, k)\) to be authenticated by a honest processor, the adversary must forge the siganture of the sender. Due the unforgeability of signatures, it is impossible. Therefore, the protocol satisfies the correctness property.
For agreement, observe that if an honest processor i receives a \((v-k)\)-authentic message at round \(k\), there are two possible cases:
- If \(k \leq t\), by the design of the protocol, every other honest processors will have received a \((v, k’)\)-authentic message for \(k’ \leq k+1\) in the next round. Among them, k processors must have already received a \((v, k’)\)-authentic message for \( k’ < k\), as otherwise the message would not have contained their signatures in the \((v,k)\)-authentic message received by processor i. If a process j has not received it, j will receive a \((v, k+1)\)-authentic message from i in the next round.
- If \(k=t+1\) and processor i received a \(v’ \leq k\)-authentic message in the final round and \(v’ \neq v \). The first t processors on the list of signatures must be faulty and all other honest processors must have also received the message in the same round, as we assume up to t faulties and one honest processor must have signed it and broadcasted to any other honest processors.
By the design of protocol, if any honest processor has received a \((v, k)\)-authentic message, every other honest processors will receive a \((v, k’)\)-authentic message, and thus, the decision function F will output the same value for them. Therefore, the agreement holds.
Total Messages:
\(O(e)=O(n^2)\), as by the design of algorithm, each coorect processor sends at most two messages over each other.